I think this could use a lot of work. the individual brick you made is made is nice, but duplicating it around and using 1 asset as lego blocks doesn't look nearly as good as a tiled texture with decals and a shadow map. Doing layered textures in max/maya shouldn't be hard. you could also download the Unreal UDK and compile your props in there. The Tree is a great Idea but it would be better to model it in zbrush with zspheres and then decimate down to a lowpoly. That way you will have a high poly and a low poly and it should be less work than it was to model that in max. Ill give you some tip/tricks to take this to the next level. I should have more freetime now so feel free to ask for help.
I think this could use a lot of work. the individual brick you made is made is nice, but duplicating it around and using 1 asset as lego blocks doesn't look nearly as good as a tiled texture with decals and a shadow map. Doing layered textures in max/maya shouldn't be hard. you could also download the Unreal UDK and compile your props in there. The Tree is a great Idea but it would be better to model it in zbrush with zspheres and then decimate down to a lowpoly. That way you will have a high poly and a low poly and it should be less work than it was to model that in max. Ill give you some tip/tricks to take this to the next level. I should have more freetime now so feel free to ask for help.